Miscellaneous skin & beauty treatments

Dermaplan: Removal of upper epidermal layer of skin with scalpel to make skin long lasting glow and deep cleansing , flawless and also remove the light pigmentation. Mostly used along with other treatments like in these models photos. Chemical skin peel : High level skin peel 80% Medium and mild level Prices from £35 […]
Invasive Plasma fibroblast skin tightening treatment

Procedure is invasive, we numb the area and after few days scab falls and skin is lifted and tightened.
Skin tags/ moles/other skin problems removal

Different Skin Problem Treatments are available with Laser surgery. Moles ( non cancerous ) Small lipomas Dermatofibtomas Keratosis Warts Scars Papillosa nigra ( many small black spots ) Milia ( white spots) Skin tags Xanthelasma Other treatments of skin problem Prices are from £150 depending on mole sizes and numbers and depth. Pigmentations are removed […]
Skin whitening BB Glow skin treatment

Semi permanent foundation and serum skin treatment with machine for long lasting smoothness, glow ,and flawless skin texture for gaining even tone skin.
Microneedling( with pen )

Microneedling: Its benefits : Reduce the fine lines Reduce the pigmentation Peel the superficial layer of skin Which fall off and new skin comes Which increase the glow and general texture of the skin. Increase the collagen and removes the fine lines.It also tighten the strength of lose ageing skin. This is a natural way […]
Organic Skin Facials (5 different types )

Organic skin Facials ; This is a type of organic skin facial which is specifically for Acne, pigmentation ,pimples, dark circles ,and uneven skin tone. Skin generally improves after 4 to 5 sessions. Visible difference and improvement is seen. It includes cleansing , exfoliation , steaming, black and white heads removal , masking and moisturising […]
CACI Revived skin facial

CACI Machine simulated skin facial;(For face lift and wrinkles non surgical treatment) Revived simple skin facial & ultra skin facial. This facial doesn’t do deep cleansing but only simple cleansing. Mostly it’s effect is on ageing skin for face lift and wrinkles removal. It is a microcurrent machine and causes rejuvenation and lift along with […]