Vampire skin facial PRP : ( Platelets Purified Plasma)
Vampire skin facial :
Proceedure details and benefits :
Blood is extracted from client in a PRP tube which is centrifuged in a machine to obtain blood Plasma. Blood Plasma containing GROWTH factors are used for skin surface .
With Microneedling machine , these GF Plasma penetrate to skin and causes rejuvenation , collagen , decrease ageing fine lines , causes skin tightening and peel the superficial layer of skin to remove the blemishes and pigmentation from skin, also reduce the pores and scars size and skin Glows , look healthier and better in tone.
Benefits ;
Pigmentation removal
Skin tightening & firming & younger
Delays ageing and remove wrinkles
Eventone and smoother
Recovert time :
Down time is 1 to 2 weeks and it is intensive treatment so , there is skin peels and some bruises may occur. As a result of this skin pigmentation is removed and skin glows , looks tighter and more younger .
Some clients select this treatment as an adjuvant to other skin treatments to boost the skin result and effects depending on skin problem and depth of scars and pigmentation.
Laser co2 resurfacing( skin peel laser) and Hydrafacial Ultimate ( skin peel ) is also used for same purpose.
Clients can change to another similar treatment after every 4 to 6 weeks to achieve and Maximise the result.
Price for Vampire skin facial £150
Advanced vampire facial £200
Buy packages for discounts
3 sessions of simple vampire facial –£400
3 sessions of advanced vampire facial –£500
BOOK NOW : asmaraclinic.co.uk/book-now
Book here :

Treatment includes microneedling and client s own blood plasma to heal the skin area.