IPL Laser Acne Face area/body area

Acne treatment with IPL Laser: That treatment is for Acne scars and for Acne treatment. This laser is for acne spots left on certain body areas such as chest , back , shoulders hips and these look skin dark with spots . IPL laser is painless and dissolves the spots very fast within few weeks […]

Vitamin B12 injection (for Muscular strength )1000mcg/2ml

″Vitamin B 12 ( methycobalamine ) Book your treatment here Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body: it is a cofactor in DNA synthesis, and in both fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It is particularly important in the normal functioning […]

Skin tags/ moles/other skin problems removal

Different Skin Problem Treatments are available with Laser surgery. Moles ( non cancerous ) Small lipomas Dermatofibtomas Keratosis Warts Scars Papillosa nigra ( many small black spots ) Milia ( white spots) Skin tags Xanthelasma Other treatments of skin problem Prices are from £150 depending on mole sizes and numbers and depth. Pigmentations are removed […]