
Hydrafacials ; Different of types of Hydrafacials depending on skin types and requirements. Deep cleansing ,anti- ageing effect , wrinkles removal , face lift and skin peels for acne and pigmentation removal effects are all added inside to get maximum clearing and glowing skin. E Book here : Hydrafacial details : Hydra facials are according […]
Skin booster biovitaliser injections (for wrinkles & fine lines& under eyes)

At Asmara Clinic Glasgow we offer skin booster biovitaliser injection. It enhance the Skin rejuvenation, Hydration , works for anti aging purpose and increases collagen in skin. What are skin boosters ? These are vitamins & protein peptides which regenrate the collagen in skin by natural way. These are alternative to dermal fillers and much […]
Femilift (Laser vulval,vaginal & urethral tightening)Urine leakage treatment

LASER FEMILIFT TREATMENT This treatment fix the following areas; Urethral area in women vulval area vaginal area Details About LASER treatment Femilift treatment is painless . its main benefit is tightening but it also fix the other problems such as vaginal dryness, excessive lubrication , personal hygiene, urinary incontinence , pain during activities and discomfort, […]
Skin whitening injections I/M and IV drips

SKIN WHITENING IM INJECTIONS & IV DRIPS; Different course of treatments & their details ; Dark eyes circles, dark joints, uneventone areas & dark skin treatment; There are different types of dark circles. One are those which are dark due to under eye bags and loss of volume and others are dark without loss of […]
Vitamin injections I/M & IV drip

ENERGY BOOSTING INTRAMUSCULAR (IM) INJECTION : injection into the muscle. Multivitamin are best for under eye circles and skin brightening, delay ageing ,repairing and healing in the body. One vial of injection contains 10 different types of vitamins and 5ml of vitamin c . Details are […]
Carbon Laser/Black doll/ Charcoal Laser Facial for Glow

HiFU skin face lift (half or full face or neck )

Please note prices are from £30 ( any area of face like Jaw line , cheek line , nasal folds lines etc. Full face and neck charges are around £100 to £250 HIFU Skin tightening face lift technology. The treatment is suitable for ageing skin , wrinkles and fine lines , saggy jaws , nasolabisl […]
Vampire facial/ PRP therapy

Vampire skin facial PRP : ( Platelets Purified Plasma) Vampire skin facial : Proceedure details and benefits : Blood is extracted from client in a PRP tube which is centrifuged in a machine to obtain blood Plasma. Blood Plasma containing GROWTH factors are used for skin surface . With Microneedling machine , these GF Plasma […]
IPL Laser Acne Face area/body area

Acne treatment with IPL Laser: That treatment is for Acne scars and for Acne treatment. This laser is for acne spots left on certain body areas such as chest , back , shoulders hips and these look skin dark with spots . IPL laser is painless and dissolves the spots very fast within few weeks […]
Vitamin B12 injection (for Muscular strength )1000mcg/2ml

″Vitamin B 12 ( methycobalamine ) Book your treatment here Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body: it is a cofactor in DNA synthesis, and in both fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It is particularly important in the normal functioning […]