Age Glow Skin whitening IV drips

Age Glow Skin whitening IV drips ; For antiageing , detoxifying , skin lightening and body pigmentation treatment. The treatment addresses the volume loss areas of skin , pigmentation areas ,wrinkles and saggy and lose skin to make it firmer  and Glowing. The general wellness  and long lasting results . Note : Injections effect more […]

Weight loss IV drips & IV infusions;

Weight loss IV drips or IV infusions: Functions : L – Carnitin ( an amino acid protein) helps reduce the cholesterol and triglycerides in the body and transports the fatty acids for utilisation of energy sources. It helps reduce the weight by suppressing the appetite in the body. It enhances the performance and endurance during […]

PRP Biotin hair loss injections

PRP biotin Scalp hair Loss treatment injections What is the PRP ? Patient blood is taken our and filled in a PRP tube which is centrifuged in a machine to obtain plasma which contains Growth factors ,platelets and some proteins. Plasma is mixed with biotin then prior to injecting into hair scalp area. This procedure […]

Skin whitening injections I/M and IV drips

Intramuscular injections C       Different course of treatments & their details ; Dark eyes circles, dark joints, uneventone areas & dark skin treatment; There are different types of dark circles. One are those which are dark due to under eye bags and loss of volume and others are dark without loss of volume. […]

Vitamin injections I/M & IV drip

ENERGY BOOSTING INTRAMUSCULAR (IM) INJECTION : injection into the muscle.                   Multivitamin are best for under eye circles and skin brightening,  delay ageing ,repairing and  healing in the body. One vial of injection contains 10 different types of vitamins and 5ml of vitamin c . Details are […]