Acne and pimple skin treatment:
How you do acne/pimples skin treatment?
We use special acne skin products and certain skin facial techniques. Our treatment very affordable and very simple.
What is included in Acne skin facial?
It includes skin cleansing , exfoliation , steaming , black & white heads removal ,Skin masking , toning and moisturising.
What is the difference between acne skin facial and any other skin facial?
Acne skin facial works specially on the pimples , active acne and pustules , red areas , scars , open pores and damaged and clogged pores. This treatment quickly make the most affected areas of pus to weep and action started at the same time of the treatment day. These all affected areas starts regressing and healing. Every day the skin starts improving. On the other hand , any other ordinary skin facial doesn’t make any difference.
What are the recommendation for this treatment ?
We recommend for heavy acne ,scars, active pimples receive this skin facial for once a week until 2 months.
Do you give any products also to use along with this facial?
Yes, we also want you to buy some skin care products from us. Which you use daily such as soap ,cleanser etc. These are also affordable. They improve the skin very quickly and skin becomes clearer much earlier than expected. Our products impress our clients.
How much time it can take to clear the skin?
Every person has different time threshold, because of skin type and life style. But on average person takes 2 months regular treatment and skin shows much clearer, glower and smoother than before.
How many skin facials you recommend?
we recommend 6 to 8 sessions . But this can be variable according to skin type.
Do you do the skin consultation & do treatment accordingly?
Yes, we do consultation first to find out the type of your skin such as oily, combination or dry and that is very important to proceed the treatment. That’s why our clients get very much benefit out of this treatment.
Do you explain the skin care tips in detail according to skin type?
Yes, we do explain everything for free.
For examples , your question answers, what make up range is best for your skin, skin type moisturisers , Best skin care product , change of life style etc.
Do we need to book the appointment?
Yes you can book your treatment on our website.{ Book now}
Do you take the payments online, by card and cash at clinic ?
Yes we do
For block sessions skin facial, do we get some discount?
YES,If you buy 4, 6 or 8 session of skin facials ,you get 10% off its almost saves you £10 Off.
Can we pay in instalments?
Yes , we accept that at our Clinic , you can now pay in 2-3 instalments for the Block sessions or on any multibuy sessions.