Skin whitening injections I/M and IV drips


Different course of treatments & their details ;

Dark eyes circles, dark joints, uneventone areas & dark skin treatment;

There are different types of dark circles. One are those which are dark due to under eye bags and loss of volume and others are dark without loss of volume.

The most permanent and long lasting correction of dark under eye circles is with skin whitening and multivitamin injections.
Note : Injections effect more on dark areas of skin such as dark skin , joints , eye circles , underarms etc.
These fulfil the deficiencies in the body caused by multiple reasons such as pregnancy, breast feeding, lack of sleep , anxiety ,loss of appetite ,unbalanced food intake, chronic disease, blood deficiency anaemia ,unknown causes, skin problems etc.
We have already treated our clients successfully with this treatment. Boost your confidence and feel great we have solution of your problem.

šŸ’š Glutathione Skin whitening IV drips & infusions:
Full whitening Glutathione IV drips ;

šŸ©·SKIN WHITENING IV DRIP ( Perfect strength )We recommend this drip for full skin white within 3 to 4 weeks and then depending on how much white do you want , you can continue then for 2 more months. According to research the result can last upto 2 to 4 years depending on health & lifestyle.

One drip contains 1800mg Glutathione plus 3000mg vit C , lipoic acid , plus minerals , fluid)

One drip –Ā£375

4 drips one month Package:Ā£1400( was Ā£1500)

8 drips 2 months package : Ā£2800( was Ā£3000)

12 drips 3 months package :Ā£4200 ( was Ā£4500)

šŸ©·Skin whitening Glutathione with Multivitamin boost IV infusion; This is for detoxifying, skin whitening and energy , acne scars & eye dark circles . This can be added as an addition to drip , after achieving the full white colour with perfect strength IV drip.
One IV drip —Ā£375
4 IV drips –one month Package–Ā£1400( was Ā£1500)
8 IV drips –2 months package –Ā£2800( was Ā£3000)
12 IV drips –3 months package –Ā£4200( was Ā£4,500)

ā¤ļøšŸ©µAge Glow IV drips ;
Skin whitening IV drip with strong anti- ageing & detoxifying effect & for pigmentation & ageing dull skin. This drip is for extreme glowing skin as an addition after achieving your white skin colour with perfect strength IV drip.

One Age Glow IV drip contains
( contains Glutathione, Collagen, recombined plant stem cells , pro coenzymes Q10, multivitamins, epidermal growth factors,
Tyrosinase inhibitors ( suppresses melanin ) ,alpha lipoic acid , selenio and some other minerals )
One drip is once a week , but can be taken once a month for ageing and detoxifying depending on requirement.

Age Glow one IV drip —-Ā£350
4 IV drips ( one months package) –Ā£1300( was Ā£1400).
8 IV drips ( 2 months package ) –Ā£2600( was Ā£2800)
12 IV drips ( 3 months package Ā£3900 —(was Ā£4200)

It contains 10 vitamins which helps skin and under eye circles plus also provide the energy for lethargy and weakness.
Buy more drips for more discount.

Buy the monthly packages for discounts.

šŸ’šAlternative budget treatment:( intramuscular Glutathione + vit C injections)

Skin whitening Glutathione IM injections monthly package is Ā£780 ( was Ā£880) include 8 injections with vitamin C.

šŸ§”Multivitamin intramuscular
One injection –Ā£50


āœ… Multiple benefits
āœ…fast result
āœ…No side effects
āœ… long lasting results
āœ…Build confidence

For intramuscular skin whitening injections;

The course includes Glutathione 600 mg injection and vitamin C 1000 mg / 5 ml injection combined as one injection.

Courses include Glutathione 600 mg injection and vitamin C 5 ml injection combined as one injection.

Injection is given intramuscular at arm at least 2 times in a week.

Skin color changes are noticed during the course.

However results are variable according to skin tone from darker to lighter.

There are no side effects are reported because these are used to treatment of skin and body problems and these are natural anti oxidants which are found in fruits.

CoursesĀ  are divided according to requirements.

Injection is given intramuscular at arm at least 2 times in a week.

Skin color changes are noticed during the course.

However results are variable according to skin tone from darker to lighter.

There are no side effects are reported because these are used to treatment of skin and body problems and these are natural anti oxidants which are found in fruits.

CoursesĀ  are divided according to requirements and original skin color.

fair and brown skin are advised 1-2 months course.

Brown to dark skin color needs 2-3 months course.


ONE intramuscular injection only :


one month course( 8 injections) ;


Two months course( 16 injections);


Three months Course( 24 injections):


IV Drips for skin whitening Treatment:

IV drips of skin whitening are also available . One drip contains 1800 mg Glutathione , Vitamin C 3000 mg andĀ  lipoic acid 12ml & fluid.

The IV drips areĀ  given by an intravenous route almost double the dose of intramuscular injections and also include extra anti oxidants for skin Glow , thar also prolong the effect of Glutathione.

Duration :

Treatment can take 1 to 2 hours.

Treatment PlanĀ ;

You need more than one drip for whitening effectĀ  depending on the requirement and skin color. For dark color changesĀ  to light,Ā  the full course may need 4 drips to 12 drips.

One drip is advised once a week.

Suitability requirement:

Patient should not be breastfeeding or pregnant.

The patient should have no liver and kidney diseases or any immunosuppressive health issues.

The patient should not be a chain smoker , heavy smoker, addicted or alcoholic.

If you are using any regular medication please let us know at the time of consultation.

If you have any health issues , you need to discuss with us for consultation and advice.

Prices :

One treatment is between Ā£375 to Ā£490 depending on strength used.

Side effects :

There are generally no side effects have been noticed. Treatment is very comfortable and ideal without any side effects within the safe dosage.

Glutathione BENEFITS :

  1. It is a powerful antioxidant and it helps toĀ  protect the cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals and toxins.
  2. Boost immune system ; It plays a crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system by enhancing the function of immune cells.
    1. Skin health ; brightens and lightens the skin color by inhibiting the production of melanin , reducing hyper pigmentation and improving skin texture.
  3. Cognitive function; Glutathione levels have been linked with cognitive functions and help to protect against the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s diseaseĀ  and Parkinson’s disease.
  4. Respiratory health; reduces the symptoms of the respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  5. Exercise performance ; increases the muscles performance and overall body endurance by reducing muscle fatigue.



One IV drip skin whitening with Multivitamin boost ;Ā 

  • 4 IV drips (One month Package)Ā 

8 IV drips ( 2 months package );


12 IV drips ( 3 months package);



One drip is advised once a week.

Monthly packages are according to the skin colour , requirements and skin shade of the patient.

Generally : fair & brown skin colour— one to 2 months treatment is advised.

Dark & dark brown or brown medium colour —- 2 to 3 months are recommended.

But it is clients own choice also for selection.

Results & lasting results ;

The clients start noticing the skin colourĀ  changes within one month and the lasting results last longer from 2 years to 3 years, Especially in those clients who look after well their health and has no disease , health condition or changes in lifestyle.











Skin whitening IV drip ( perfect strength) ;

Fast results , full white skin IV drip

Price & book here ;

One drip ;


4 drips ;


8 drips ;


12 drips ;









Age Glow IV drips ;

This is for age defying , antiageing & detoxifying effect. It also lightens the skin and treat the pigmentation and age spots.It suppresses the melanin production in the body and also firms the skin to get rid of the skin wrinkles.

Prices & book here ;

Age Glow one IV drip ;

  1. Age Glow 4 IV drips ( one month Package) ;

  2. Loading...

8 Age Glow IV Drips ( 2 months package) ;


12 Age Glow IV drips ( 3 months package) ;

  • Loading...



Free Consultation is online only by text andĀ  chat at WhatsApp no.07495798186.

Clinic Consultation charges ; face to face

Ā£50 charges

Book here ;
