Different Skin Problem Treatments are available with Laser surgery.
- Moles ( non cancerous )
- Small lipomas
- Dermatofibtomas
- Keratosis
- Warts
- Scars
- Papillosa nigra ( many small black spots )
- Milia ( white spots)
- Skin tags
- Xanthelasma
- Other treatments of skin problem
Prices are from £150 depending on mole sizes and numbers and depth.
Pigmentations are removed through laser machine, the area is cauterised lasered. After few days scab falls off and skin heals without scarring. Skin clears off and looks completely pigmentation free from 8 to 10 weeks. We also provide after care kit free with that. Here are some after care instructions and details. Prices are from £150 depending on the area ,it can be more depends on the area and size. Share your photo on whatsApp link and ask the price quote.
Most of the cases it is one off treatment.
Treatment is painless because of numbing injection and no scars after healing.
After care ;
After care kit and cream is provided after procedure.
Healing occur smoothly without any scarring within 4 to 12 weeks depending on skin problem.
Book here ;

The prices are from £150 for normal to medium sized moles ,one mole £150 and more than one moles, £50 per mole charges. ( It is the average lowest price but it can be more depending on skin problem) contact us for price quote.
Consultations and price quote ;
Free consultation on WhatsApp no.07495798186
At Clinic consultation only charges are £50
Book here;

Here are the photos of our models: