Anti- wrinkle injections ( botox, botulinum toxins)

Anti- wrinkle


Botulinum toxins ( Botox ) :

Toxins are injected into the muscles in order to relax the muscles and that’s how it removes the skin folds and wrinkles.

Book your treatment here ;

3 areas treatment:

Area between eyebrows & Forehead:


Only one of these Area , one between eyebrows OR Forehead area;


Eyes areas / Crows feet eyes area wrinkles ;


3 Areas between eyebrows, Forehead and around eyes :



After care ;


. Try to exercise your treated muscles for the first hour after treatmert (eg practice frowing raising your eyebrows or squinting). This helps to work the teatment into your muscles. Although this may help your procedure outcome, it will NOT impact your treatment negatively if you forget to do this
. Do NOT have a facial, nor rub or message the treated area for 24 hous after your treatment
. Do NOT lie downor do strenuous exercise for tvee hous after treatmert. Also, avoid any expesure to a saure , hot tub or taring for four hours This will prevert your blood pressue from rising and thus minimize the risk of bruising after treatmert
• Please be aware that some, though very few patients, experience a mild headache. Y ou may take Tylenol to help with this for pain relief
• Be assured that tiny bumps or marks will go away within a few hours after your treatment. There is a smal isk of bruising. If this occus, do not wony since it will orly be temporary and caneasily be covered tpwithmakap Arylitlehitofbnúsing.maylastupto one week
. After Botox is placed into the targeted mscles, the weakering effect gradually begins anywhere from 3-7 days ard is not complete for two weeks. Therefore, optimal results are not seen for at least two weeks
• Botox willast approximately 2-3 months at first. However, if youmaintain your treament appointments with the frequency recommended, the duration of each treatment result may last longer than four morths
. Filler will last approximately 6-12 morths
• A fter filler is injected, you may be bruised, red or feel some swelling. This will all go dowin time ard you will feel de ful effect of filler in about two weeks
Botoxand Cosmetic Fillers: Aftercare Instructions
If you have ary questions or concems regarding your recent irjections, please contact.

Botox Treatment Aftercare Advice
(Botulinum Toxin Type-A)

1. efrain from touching the treated area for 3-4 hours. After this time, when you wash the area.dc so gertiy and pat it dry carefully with a soft towel. Do not rub the treated area for 48 hours.
2. Remain upright far 4 hours and avoid excessive bending during this time. If you have to bend down to pick something bend your knees and keep vour face upright.
Avoid sleeping an your face for the first night.
Do exercise the treated muscles by tersing them and relaxirg them for the first hour after treatmentas this heips the Botulinum Toxin to be absorbed more quickly irto active muscles.
5. When applying your make-upor moisturiser use dabbing motiens instead of rubbing or spreading for 48 hours.
6. Bctulinium towin takes trom 2 to 14 days to beceme etfective. This is cependent an the strength cf the muscies injected and the indivicual response
7. Dor not have aryr facial treatments that may promote *tracking’ of the Botulinum Toxin to neighbouring areas, for 7 days.
8. o nat fly within the first 24 hours.
9. Mlease return in 2-3 weeks for a follow up review appointment.
10. Treatment with Botulirium Toxin recommenced every 3-4 months.
temporary. To maintain the effect treatment is
Please make a top-up’ review appointment in 2-3 weeks time.
The effects/benefits of Botox treatment reach their maximum about 2 weeies fallowing treatment. Therefore treatment result is assessed at this appointment. Trere may stil be some undesired movement, lines or asymmetry that needs ta be corrected, so a complimentary ‘top up’ treatment is given te L03Ct achieve the best: possible clinical correction to the treated area(s) based on the musculature vour face.
It is impartant to understand that there is no standard dase’ for a Botox treatment. A personal prescription for treatment is reachec by assessing your face, the size and position of your facial muscles as well as the waythe muscles move in relation to one another This perscnal prescription will form the basis cf yaur next treatment so assess how this treatrent lasts 2 4 adjustments can be made at your next treatment appointment in 3-4 months.

Our model work ;