Body contouring treatment and services:
body contouring consists of following services:
first component:
Fat freeze, cool sculpting , Cryolipolysis , Lipoglaze are the same name for one type of treatment. fat freeze can be of any areas ,tummy ,thighs and chin. If a person has massive fat and over weight about 30% of their original body weight then this treatment is recommended. Fat should be more than 3cm on the area of treatment. (Asmara Clinic)
Second component:
Lipo laser , Lipo firm pro ,Lipo Genie are similar name for the same treatment. It is recommended for clients for who have loose and saggy skin with fat and they want to shape the areas to the level of firmness.
Third component:
Cavitation RF , radiofrequency , vibration , contouring firm pro all can be same names for one type of the treatment. This is also helpful for making the shape and firmness.
Most frequently asked questions:
What kind of fat needs this treatment?
This treatment is suitable for the stubborn fat which you are unable to burn despite exercise and diet. But you can consider cellulites and other long accumulated fat levels too, these are equally effective.
Which treatment is suitable for me ?
It depends on your fat thickness on the dependent areas. For heavy fat we recommend fat freeze and for less than 3-4 cm we recommend lipo laser and Cavitation. The last 2 treatments are very effective in body shaping and both together works very well. Read more about body contouring on our website link.
How many sessions I need ?
It depends on your fat level and body response. We recommend 6 sessions of each lipo laser and Cavitation RF each for those clients who are already on healthy diet and exercise. For fat freeze you might need 3 sessions ,it also depends on fat level. Next fat freeze session is recommended after 6weeks or 2 months distance.
How much is duration of treatment and when should I take my next session?
For Fat freeze one area and chin freeze duration can be up to 60minutes , It also depends on the machines used , We take Maximum 2 hours for maximum 4 areas of fat freeze. Moreover, you need next session for chin freeze after 2 weeks , for other areas after 6 weeks to after 2 months.
For lipo laser treatment duration is only 30min ,you need next session after 2 days. You can manage 2-3 sessions per week for quick results.
For Cavitation RF treatment time is 30minutes to 45minutes also and next session should be after 2-3 days. You can manage the sessions along with lipo laser to get fast and quick results.
EMS SCULPT liposuction treatment is from 20min to 45min , no side effects.
comfortable treatment and it is a non surgical liposuction fat loss slimming faster latest technology treatment.
Every session 2 to 3 times a week.
Fast result within few weeks.
Regular measurement is taken for checking the progress.
Is the treatment painful?
Treatment is not painful at all. Although you can feel fat freeze little uncomfortable but after few minutes area becomes numb and you don’t feel anything.
What is the after care or side effects?
There are no side effects of these treatments. Only fat freeze can be sour after the treatment and bruise on the area , which fades away within few hours to days. For sourness to go away quickly we recommend massage that area with oil vigorously few minutes many times in a day. After few days the wound contract and shrinks and fat underneath the skin is destroyed. Find more details here at google search.