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Aromatherapy Full body Swedish or deep tissue / postnatal massage 1 hour :

Reflexology/ Indian head massage:

Aromatherapy Swedish/ deep tissue / postnatal/prenatal pregnancy massage full body 30min duration. ( any specific area)

Hot stone massage:
The Aroma Touch Technique Movements
Whether it is a hand shake or a hug, all physical touch holds different meanings. Even when sharing essential oils, there is a difference between rubbing the oils on someone’s forearm and taking the time to really affect their overall well-being through the Aroma Touch Technique.
Physical touch is as important to the Aroma Touch Technique as the aroma because of its amazing healing benefits.
While the main purpose of the technique is to apply the oils and provide the recipient with an essential oil experience, the Aroma Touch Technique is also about connecting with another person on an emotional level. The connections developed through this technique form feelings of trust and help the recipient relax.
This treatment is recommended in extreme pain, pain disappears after 1-2 treatments.
Aroma Therapy and Mental Health
That is a good news, and a bad news. The bad news is that, according to the World Health Organization, mental illness is on the increase, and will be the major cause of disability or death by 2020. The good news is that more and more people choose natural methods of healing, rather than take prescribed medication.
Mental illness can mean anything from epilepsy, panic attacks, phobias to depression. Although some conditions do require medication or even hospitalization, there are many self-help tools people can use to relieve emotional discomfort, or improve their mood.
The increasingly stressful, and ever-changing world takes its toll on our mental health. The more energy we have to spend on dealing with stressful situations, the less energy we have to enjoy life.
Mental health is vital for our well-being because it directly impacts the quality of our life. Mentally strong individuals cope better with stress, physical hardship or illness, and are generally more positive about life. And if you are positive about life, you are much more likely to be happy.
Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine which uses essential oils to treat a number of physical, mental and emotional problems (eg pain, poor concentration or anxiety). It provides a safe, natural and deep healing on all levels.
1. Pleasure centers of the brain are stimulated by the nerves in the nose that sense smell (inhalation method)
2. Hormones or enzymes in the blood are directly affected by essential oils (topical application)
3. Like most natural healing therapies, aromatherapy helps you achieve balance
Although on the increase, mental illness is not a new phenomenon. Depression, dementia, and phobias existed even in ancient times, only they were known by different names. Traditional healers treated such illnesses either with faith healing methods or with herbs. There is evidence that essential oils were used in Ancient Egypt, as well as in ancient India.
It has been scientifically proven that aromatherapy can help with some of the major mental health disorders:
- Anxiety is relieved by lavender essential oil, probably because it affects the mood
- Agitation in patients with dementia can be reduced by using lemon balm essential oil and applying it twice daily to the face and arms. Steam inhalation of lavender, can also help dementia patients
- Sleeping disorders can be improved with lavender and chamomile aromatherapy, because they promote deep relaxation
- Stress and anxiety relief are achieved with lavender, and bergamot essential oils
We are all different and some cope better than others. Being aware of early warning signs of a mental health problem (eg withdrawal, increased sensitivity, mood swings, panic attacks, illogical thinking, etc) is very important, because it can help prevent minor health issues escalating into serious mental health disorders. There are different treatments to choose from, but more and more people decide to try natural healing methods, mainly because they are non-invasive and promote self-healing.
It’s natural
Only organic essential oils which are 100% natural, are used for healing.
It has no side effects.
While pharmaceutical drugs offer fast relief from pain, inflammation or anxiety, they have many side effects, some potentially very serious. Organic essential oils are pure and 100% natural and come with no side effects.
It’s affordable
If you can’t afford medical treatment, or if it is unavailable where you live, or if you simply want to heal naturally, then aromatherapy may be just the right thing for you.
It’s relaxing
Aromatherapy is not only natural, it’s very relaxing. And when you are relaxed, you worry less, you sleep better, and your mood automatically improves.
Conditions that can be improved with aromatherapy
Essential oils are plant essences containing molecules rich in antioxidants. Studies show that they have antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and stress-reducing properties and that they DO heal.
There are different schools of thought how to use essential oils and which ones are best for which disorders, but most researchers agree that aromatherapy brings natural relief for many mental and emotional conditions.
Essential oils can be used to treat a number of common problems:
- For de-stressing, relaxing, and insomnia, try lavender
- For depression, anxiety or grief, try rose
- For anger, shock and fear, try ylang ylang, or orange
- To boost your confidence, try jasmine
- For soothing your nerves, and dealing with phobias or panic attacks, try chamomile
- Work-related stress can be reduced with clary sage
- For depression, anxiety and SAD problems, try bergamot, it’s believed to be a natural Prozac
- To reduce irritability and confusing thoughts, try sandalwood
- To boost your confidence and soothe the mind, try patchouli
- When feeling low, stressed or overwhelmed with negative thoughts, try grapefruit
- To lift your mood and calm your nerves, try mandarin or lemon
How to choose and use essential oils
If you never used essential oils before, try to find out as much as you can about them, follow the instructions and don’t exceed the dosage. If applying them to your skin, make sure you use carrier oil. Or, consult an aromatherapist.
Many intuitives recommend that when choosing something, anything, be it clothes, food or essential oils, go with your instinct. There is a reason you feel drawn to a particular color, type of food, or scent. It’s usually something you need more of. So, unless you want to buy a particular oil to treat a particular symptom, when selecting essential oil, follow your gut. Select the color or scent you feel most attracted to, and you can’t go wrong. Or, buy a few and make your own blend.
Essential oils can be used in a number of ways, but are best absorbed through the skin (eg in massage or by applying a moisturizer), or through inhalation (eg with a diffuser or incense).
- For a massage
This can be a professional aromatherapy massage, or a self-massage.
- As a skin moisturizer, bath oil, soap, shampoo, compress
Many cosmetic products contain essential oils.
- By diffusion
You can use an Electrical Diffuser, essential oil burner, scented candles, spray, or you can apply few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and rub it on your pillow, or leave it next to your bed at night (or desk during the day).
Essential oil has the power to carry and transfer the concentrated energy of the plant’s healing and spiritual properties to the person it’s applied to.
Organic essential oil has a “life force” and possess homeostatic intelligence, that we do not fully understand. This means it works to restore the balance, and “knows” where in the body the balance needs to be restored. So, the same oil can lower or raise your blood pressure, and relax or energize you. Somehow, it seems to understand what you need more of, at that particular moment.
Reflexology ( feet massage ) :
There are very few things in life better than a great foot massage.
That is exactly what Reflexology is, an awesome foot massage.
Most of us, get up in the morning, submerge our feet in socks and then hide them away in shoes, often not to see the light of day again until we get back into bed.
Surely this can’t be good for our feet?
We spend so much of our lives on our feet and until they start hurting we barely give them a passing thought.
We should all give a little more time and attention to our feet.
Historically, Reflexology is said to have been devised by the Egyptians. There is a traditional theory that all parts of the body are connected to the feet and mirrored within them. The idea goes, that working specific areas and spots on the feet will positively influence and improve the health of the individual.
Although it is a beautiful theory, it unfortunately isn’t supported by our modern scientific understanding of the body. There is no scientific evidence to support the theory and no research to back it up either.
That doesn’t mean to say it can’t be helpful in improving your wellbeing.
As I said in the first sentence, there are very few things in the world as exquisite as a foot massage and, at least for me, it feels miraculous.
Deep Tissues massage ;
Massages & its effects:
How does massage ease pain?
Massage seems to ease pain in several different ways. For starters, it can increase blood flow to sore, stiff joints and muscles, which are warmed by the extra circulation. As reported by the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine that animal studies have found that massage triggers the release of natural painkillers called opioids in the brain. (The report doesn’t explain how scientists massage the animals.)
Effects of Massage in Animals:
Animal studies also suggest that massage speeds up the flow of oxytocin.( a hormone that relaxes muscles) That encourages feelings of calmness and contentment. As an aside, oxytocin happens to be the same hormone that flows through women before labour. It relaxes the uterus and helps cement the bond between mother and infant.( earning it the nickname “love hormone” ) Massage may also change the way the brain senses pain. As Stanford neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky has said that the sharp sensations of a good massage can temporarily make the brain forget about other aches.
How effective is massage for pain relief?
There’s little doubt that a good rub-down can ease pain and tightness in stressed, overworked muscles. Now there’s growing evidence that it can also help relieve chronic (long-lasting) pain, especially the lower-back variety. A study of 262 patients published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that massage was far superior to acupuncture or patient education for relieving back pain. After 10 weeks, 74 percent of patients said massage was “very helpful.” Only 46 percent for those who received acupuncture and about 17 percent of those who read a self-help book had the same response. Massage patients were also four times less likely than other patients to report being bedridden with pain. The authors concluded that “massage might be an effective alternative to conventional medical care for persistent back pain.”
About Chronic pain;
In a true test of its value, massage has even been shown to ease the chronic pain and other miseries suffered by cancer patients. A study of more than 1,200 patients at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management found that massage reduces symptoms such as anxiety, nausea, and pain by about 50 percent.
Is massage safe?
Massage is very safe, especially when performed by an experienced, licensed professional. It’s not entirely risk-free, however. A study published in the journal Rheumatology found 16 separate cases where massage caused serious injuries, including nerve damage and, in one instance, a bruised liver. The study concluded that such complications are “true rarities” that are most likely to occur at the hands of laypeople, or the use of more forceful techniques such as shiatsu.
Health problems & massage effects;
According to the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, massage can be hazardous for anyone with deep vein thrombosis, burns, skin infections, eczema, open wounds, broken bones, or advanced osteoporosis. Cancer patients should consult with their oncologists about the safety of massage therapy . Because there may be a greater risk of certain adverse effects, such as internal haemorrhage or the dislodging of blood clots. They can also ask for a referral to a massage therapist who has a certification in oncology massage, and works in conjunction with a medical school or cancer treatment program. And although massage has been found useful for relieving the aches and stiffness that show up during pregnancy, some experts recommend waiting until the second trimester to receive prenatal massage. Also, check with your doctor or midwife before undergoing massage or any other new procedure.
About Joints massage:
Finally, the University of Washington Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine warns against massaging joints that are swollen or extremely painful. The university offers this advice: If massage causes pain, stop.
If you feel pain during a therapy session, tell your massage therapist immediately. You’re the expert on whether the treatment is helping or worsening your pain.
What is cracking?
Cracking or popping of a joint is basically moving the two ends of a joint away from each other (cavitation) which will then release the nitrogen gas within it. The release of this gas creates the popping sound. It can be hard to believe that this sometimes loud sound can come from a simple gas release but you could liken it to pulling a suction cup off a piece of glass.
Is cracking good for me?
Well, the short answer is we don’t really no. There is no definitive proof either way. The understanding that science has as to what happens when we crack a joint appears to be very safe. Releasing of gas from a joint appears to be a natural and normal part of everyday life. The old idea that it was the bones of the joint rubbing against each other that caused the sound is not correct. If you have osteoarthritis in a joint then it would be advisable not to crack the joints as it may cause pain, it may also release tension so this would be on a case by case basis. The reason osteoarthritis may be aggravated by cracking will be that the joint won’t have cartilage to protect the bone ends so they may actually rub against each other.
What about Chiropractors?
From a Chiropractors perspective they usually advise you not to crack your own joints, especially the neck, as this can over stretch the ligaments in the joint which will make them looser and crack even more. You can then get hyper mobile joints that move too much. While we are talking Chiros we could add that the idea of putting a joint back in or that a joint can be “out” is a bit of an outdated idea. The reality of what is happening when they “adjust” a joint is just releasing gas or tension from a joint. Once you pop a joint, you will be able to pop it again approximately 20 mins later as the gas has had time to build up in the joint. It’s like cracking your knuckles.
If you crack them right now, you won’t be able to crack them again straight away. Our knuckles don’t crack because they are out of alignment they crack because there is a gas build up in the joint which is a natural process and by product of a synovial joint.
Aromatherapy from oils Standard American oils for instant pain relief.
What is a Postnatal Massage?
A postnatal massage is basically a full body massage after delivery of baby. Typically, a traditional or professionally trained masseuse massages entire body from the head to toe. Even traditional Ayurvedic wisdom recommends a 40-day confinement period for the mother after delivery. There wholesome care is provided to the mother and child. Traditional baths with indigenous herbs and natural remedies preceded by elaborate massages are an important part of this routine.
Massages are known to supplement blood flow and aid the release of endorphins that induce a feeling of relaxation. Postpartum massages are even specialised to cater to those specific muscles of your body that are strained after delivery.
10 Benefits of Massage After Delivery
There are several benefits of body massages after delivery:
1. Helps with the recovery of the uterus – Uterine contractions help in the natural cleansing process eliminating blood and other discharge post-delivery. Stomach massage after delivery can aid the uterus in its natural cleansing processes. It also aid in restoring its pre-natal size and form.
2. Reduction of swelling – Reduced circulation caused by increased pressure on the major blood vessels by the heavy uterus and hormonal imbalances may lead to water retention and the swelling of joints. Working on the soft tissues of the body improves circulation and the elimination of excess fluid and toxins.
3. Improved breastfeeding – Postnatal massages involve special techniques to stimulate the breast tissue. It, in fact, triggers the production of oxytocin to release the breast milk.
4. Avoid any blocks or lumps – Massages help improve the flow of milk, loosen out lumps and even help prevent mastitis. Mastitis is the bacterial infection caused by a blocked milk duct in the breast where milk starts to stagnate.
5. Improve stability, posture, and co-ordination – During pregnancy the core muscles of a woman stretch and become weak. Alteration in body mass causes the posture to change and hormonal changes make the connective tissues become very relaxed. A postnatal massage can reverse this change and help you get your strength back.
6. Unwind and de-stress – Pregnancy can be stressful and for months your body goes through a lot of changes. A postnatal massage is just the rejuvenation your body needs to beat that stress.
7. Deal with those postpartum blues – Postpartum depression may be a serious condition that affects only 10-15% mothers. But it is natural for any woman to experience anxiety, stress and other heightened emotions after delivery. Listen to your body and give it the attention it needs.
8. Faster recuperation– Postpartum massages can strengthen muscles and help speed up the recovery of your body. It assists you in a holistic journey to your previous self while giving full attention to your child.
9. Glowing skin– Massages improve blood flow and help soothe stretched tissue. This gives you that beautiful post-pregnancy glow and even reduces stretch marks that you may want to lose.
10. Get that body back– Post pregnancy massages can actually help tuck your tummy back in by working on the muscles in that area and improving blood flow. It strengthens strained muscles and helps your body regain vitality.
Swedish massage;
Lomi Lomi massage, where to begin? Well, unlike your regular massage, it’s a sort of spiritual affair. If sticking to tradition, your therapist will start the treatment with a local prayer, but you can choose to go straight into the massage if you’d prefer. Once calm and relaxed, she (or he, you never know!) will then knead and roll your entire body, using long, flowing strokes of different intensities. Expect different parts of their body to massage you (fingers, thumbs, palms, arms and elbows) and even the odd shimmy dance – don’t worry, this is all part of the experience! You see, working on the belief that memories are stored in every individual cell of the body, the continuous strokes and traditional methods are designed to encourage the body to let go of any worries that could be causing you stress and strain.
Aiming to benefit all areas of your health, well-being and awareness by unblocking energy flows, Lomi Lomi is said to help with low self esteem, stress, a lack of confidence and those affected by trauma. But on a more physical level, fans of this unique practice claim it relieves muscle tension and assists blood and lymph flow, as well as eliminating all those nasty toxic build ups in the body. Aloha!
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The Swedish massage is the most common and best-known type of massage in the West, and the foundation for sports massage, deep tissue massage, aromatherapy massage, and other popular Western-style massages.
Based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology—as opposed to energy work on “meridians” or sen lines that are the focus in Asian massage systems—therapists utilize this type of massage to stimulate circulation, flush the circulatory system, release tight muscles, restore range of motion, and to relieve pain.
If it’s your first time at the spa or you don’t get a massage often, a Swedish massage is a good fit for beginners. Most people get a 50- or 60-minute Swedish or deep tissue massage, but 75 or 90 minutes will give the therapist more time to work the muscle tissue and achieve results. A Swedish massage can be slow and gentle, or vigorous and bracing, depending on the therapist’s personal style and what he or she is trying to achieve.
If you want deeper work and can tolerate more pressure to get relief from chronic muscle pain, it’s better to book a deep tissue massage, which is another form of Swedish massage. If you have pain, it will likely take a series of massages to get results. Swedish massage and other types of therapeutic massage are performed by trained, licensed massage therapists.
What Happens During a Swedish Massage
In all Swedish massage, the therapist lubricates the skin with massage oil and performs various massage strokes, including the basic techniques for a traditional Swedish massage: effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement, vibration/nerve strokes, and Swedish gymnastics.
These movements warm up the muscle tissue, releasing tension and gradually breaking up muscle “knots” or adhered tissues, called adhesions. Swedish massage promotes relaxation, among other health benefits, but before the massage, the therapist should ask you about any injuries or other conditions that he or she should know about.
Watch Now: What Happens During a Swedish Massage?
Things you would want tell a therapist include areas of tightness or pain, allergies, and conditions like pregnancy. You can also tell them upfront if you have a preference for light or firm pressure.
After the consultation, the therapist instructs you how to lie on the table—face up or face down and underneath the sheet or towel or not—and then leaves the room. He will knock or ask if you are ready before entering.
The Benefits of Getting a Swedish Massage
Even going to the massage therapist and getting a Swedish massage once will calm your nervous system and promote a sense of relaxation and well being, reducing anxiety and tension in the body, which has been known to help relieve depression.
Swedish massages improve blood circulation, which helps you feel more energetic by increasing the flow of nutrient-rich oxygen to the muscles in your body. Additionally, it stimulates the lymphatic system, which carries the body’s waste products, meaning you’ll process the good and the bad much quicker.
If you’re experiencing muscle cramps and spasms, a Swedish massage with a focus on your problem areas can help relieve this pain. Massage therapy can also help with managing the pain from conditions such as arthritis and sciatica.
Massage is not a good idea if you have a fever, infections, inflammation, osteoporosis, and other medical conditions—at least not without consulting your doctor first—and it’s best not to get a massage if you are ill. If you have any doubts about whether or not a massage would be right for you, speak to a medical professional before booking a Swedish massage.
You usually start by laying face down with your head in a u-shaped face cradle so your spine stays neutral. The therapist generally starts by working your back, using various massage strokes that include effleurage, kneading, friction, stretching, and tapping.
When she’s finished with the back, she works the back of each leg. When done with the back side, she holds the sheet or towel up and looks away while you turn over and scoot down, covers you again, and then massages the front of each leg, both arms, and then your neck and shoulders.
Some therapists work in a different order, and all have their own style and techniques. If you only have 50 minutes, you can also ask them to spend more time on a certain area. If the pressure is too light or too firm, you should speak up and ask the therapist to adjust it. If you want deeper work and can tolerate more pressure to get relief from chronic muscle pain, it’s better to book a deep tissue massage, which is another form of Swedish massage.
The cost of a Swedish massage will vary, depending on whether you go to a day spa,resort spa, destination spa, a chain like Massage Envy or go to a massage therapist. Swedish massage pricing will also depend on what part of the country you live and how luxurious the spa is.
Why It’s Called Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology as opposed to energy work that is more common in Asian-style massage. Dutch practitioner Johan Georg Mezger (1838 – 1909) is credited as the man who adopted the French names to denote the basic strokes under which he systemized massage as we know it today.
In the early 19th century the Swedish physiologist, Per Henrik Ling (1776-1839) at the University of Stockholm, developed a system called “Medical Gymnastics” which included movements performed by a therapist. These became the known as “Swedish Movements” in Europe and “the Swedish Movement Cure” when they came to the U.S. in 1858.
According to Robert Noah Calvert, author of “The History of Massage,” Mezger’s system became confused with Ling’s system, and because he came earlier, Ling received credit for the “Swedish Massage System.” Today it is known as Swedish massage in America, and “classic massage” in Sweden!
How Swedish Massage Went “Light”
Swedish massage evolved in the first half of the 20th century to become a whole system of physiotherapy, including soft tissue manipulation, movements, hydrotherapy and electrotherapy by the 1930s, according to Patricia Benjamin, another massage historian. It fell out of favor as modern medicine, hospitals and medications moved to the forefront of our culture’s thinking about health. At the same time “massage parlors” that were fronts for prostitution gave genuine practitioners an image problem.
Benjamin says that interest in massage was revived in the 1970s as part of the counter-culture movement. The Esalen Institute in California developed the “Esalen massage,” often given by candlelight, with long flowing effleurage performed lightly. It was not necessarily intended for professionals, but to nurture the giving and receiving of touch.
This method influenced Swedish massage, moving it toward a lighter relaxation massage. If you really want results, the thinking goes, you should book a deep tissue massage. Swedish and deep tissue massages are the most commonly requested type of massage at spas today. Before and during your Swedish massage session, communicate with your therapist so that your massage is customized to your specific needs.
Difference Between Swedish and Deep Tissue Massages
While the most commonly requested massage is the Swedish variety, deep tissue massages are best for small muscle injuries and chronic muscle problems, but that’s not the only way these two versions of massage are different.
Deep tissue massage, as the name would imply, focuses on deeper tissue structures of muscles, and massage therapists apply deep tissue massage will apply a strong, constant pressure against the muscle until it pushes back and relaxes, providing relief to deep areas of tension in specific muscles.
Deep tissue massages are better than Swedish massages for treating sports injuries, soreness from poor posture (sitting at a desk all day), and chronic spasms, but Swedish massages are often more comprehensive and relaxing than deep tissue massages.
When you’re looking for relief from sore muscles and swollen joints during pregnancy, there are plenty of ways to sneak a massage into your daily life: a quick foot massage from your partner, a DIY back massager, or even a professional prenatal massage.
In this post, we’ll cover:
- What a prenatal massage is
- The difference between a regular massage and a prenatal massage
- The safety of prenatal massages
- Plus, 12 benefits of a prenatal massage
What Is Prenatal Massage?
Many expectant mamas turn to massage therapy during pregnancy to soothe sore, achy muscles and relax before baby arrives.
A prenatal massage is very similar to a full body massage that you experience at the spa. The main difference is that the masseuse will make a few modifications to ensure the safety (and comfort) for mama and baby.
A massage therapist must be licensed to perform a prenatal massage, which includes being licensed by the state board and earning a certification in prenatal massage. (source)
The History of Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massages are not new. In fact, prenatal massage has a deep history rooted in many cultures around the world. Here’s a look at how prenatal massage has traditionally been used:
- Jamaica: Midwives in Jamaica traditionally used prenatal massage right until delivery. Depending on what stage of labour Mama was in, the midwives would preform different massage techniques. Toona leaves were often used to rub the belly, while olive oil and a warm wet compress was used on the belly during transition.
- Japan: Fun fact: Midwives in Japan are called “Sanba,” which literally means “elderly woman who massages.” Japanese sanbas are known for performing acupressure during pregnancy, as well as foot and leg messages while mama labours. (source)
- Mexico: Aztec midwives massaged a mama-to-be’s legs and believed that the tension in her legs indicated feotal position. This practice must have been handy when there were no ultrasounds!
- Malaysia: Malaysian mothers massage their own navels with coconut oil. Why? It is believed to encourage the baby to lower into the proper position for birth. (source)
- England: Midwives in 17th century England massaged labouring moms with oil of lilies. (source)
What is involved in an Indian head massage?:
An ancient therapeutic treatment that has been existence for thousands of years, Indian Head Massage (also known as “Champiassage”) is a part of everyday family life in India, with the tradition of massaging other family members being passed down through the generations. Brought into Western civilisation in around the 1970s, it predominantly focuses on the areas of the body where stress hits the hardest, including the neck, face, scalp, upper arms and shoulders. This massage has become increasingly popular for spa treatments throughout the UK and is characterised by a utilising an assortment of techniques and pressure, from deep tissue massage of the shoulders, to a soothing circular massage of the head.
Typically lasting between 30 minutes, the treatment emphasises the connection between the body, mind and spirit – using a variety of fragrant oils to enhance the experience and leave you feeling levels of relaxation like no other.