- Age Glow Skin whitening IV drips ;
For antiageing , detoxifying , skin lightening and body pigmentation treatment.
The treatment addresses the volume loss areas of skin , pigmentation areas ,wrinkles and saggy and lose skin to make it firmer and Glowing.
The general wellness and long lasting results .
Note : Injections effect more on dark areas of skin such as dark skin , joints , eye circles , underarms and areas of pigmentations are also lightened .
These fulfil the deficiencies in the body caused by multiple reasons such as pregnancy, breast feeding, lack of sleep , anxiety ,loss of appetite ,unbalanced food intake, chronic disease, blood deficiency anaemia ,unknown causes, skin problems etc.
We have already treated our clients successfully with this treatment. Boost your confidence and feel great we have solution of your problem.
Antiageing treatment:
This IV drip contains collagen , stem cells , growth factors and Q10 enzyme for skin firming and antiageing phenomena. It delays the ageing and the affects causes the skin tightening and firming for all over the body , not just the face. This drip enhance the grace and Glow to younger looking skin with more long lasting results.
❤️🩵Age Glow IV drips ;
Skin whitening IV drip with strong anti- ageing & detoxifying effect & for pigmentation & ageing dull skin.
One Age Glow IV drip contains
( contains Glutathione, Collagen, recombined plant stem cells , pro coenzymes Q10, multivitamins, epidermal growth factors,
Tyrosinase inhibitors ( suppresses melanin ) ,alpha lipoic acid , selenio and some other minerals )
One drip is once a week , but can be taken once a month for ageing and detoxifying depending on requirement, contact the expert ,book your consultation or get fee consultation on WhatsApp.
Age Glow one IV drip —-£350
Age Glow 4 IV drips ( one months package) –£1300( was £1400).
Age Glow 8 IV drips ( 2 months package ) –£2600( was £2800)
Age Glow 12 IV drips ( 3 months package £3900 —(was £4200)
✅ Multiple benefits
✅fast result
✅No side effects
✅ long lasting results
✅Build confidence
You may need one drip once a month or need a package for antiageing purposes depending on the patient’s requirement .
One drips is advised once a week.
Free consultation is on WhatsApp.
Book here ;
Age Glow one IV drip ;

Age Glow 4 IV drips ( one month Package) ;

Age Glow 8 IV drips ( 2 months package ) ;

Age Glow 12 IV drips ( 3 months package) ;